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Road Trailer

Внедорожный туристический прицеп Navahi своими руками (защита от коррозии)Hello, everyone! My name is Ruslan Highway, and I'm building a non-road house on wheels (trail, caravan) on which I'm about to travel. There's gonna be a full bed on my wheels, kitchen, shower, lunch, different household equipment. I promise there will be a lot of interesting construction. I'll be happy with your comments and questions. Every Monday and Thursday, I'm putting out a new video describing the technology, materials, the different and the know-how of chaou. P80 and painted by HB Body 989.
Upwards of HB Body 989 epoxy soil cover antigravies to protect the frame and make noise. Epokid ground 989
2K highly effective anti-corrosive epoxy soil. Adhesive, isolating and replenishing properties.
Since the frame of the house on the wheels will be stacked with access materials that will not be available, I decided to process it further with the antigraviation of HB Body u 951, it will double protect the frame against corrosion and avoid different frictions, scruples, since the shroat area still has more chain properties.
Antigravi Body U951 AutoFlex
Material based on rubber with noise absorbing and sealing properties. Used for lower outer parts of the vehicle. Prepared for use and placed with a special anti-grab pistol under pressure 5-6 bar. The material remains permanently elastic, rapidly dry, good adhesive and can be painted by ’’s wet-covered” by all types of emals.
HB Body U951 Antigravies for domestic needs using low-cost damage oil compressor Elitech CPM 200/24♪ Production capacity 198 l/min, power 1, 5 kW
Reciver volume 24 l, working pressure 8 bar
Been so little, compressor Elitech CPM 200/24, before closing the frame, I'll tell you more about the material that will protect the frame within the metal section itself. In the photos and videos, you saw the unlocked thumbs of the frame, through them, and I'll refuel the material. TEAM:
- Navahi (Companic)
♪ Navahi (Lifhak - how to turn the frame)
- Navahi off-road tourist trailer
Антигравий Body U951 AutoFlex масляный компрессор Elitech КПМ 200/2
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