The House On The Wheels With The Drawings
A home-delivery on wheels is an acquisition that certainly has a number of advantages for long and comfortable road travellers. This is not only a lack of cost on temporary accommodation, but it is possible to plan travel regardless of the schedule of passenger transport flights, the cost of tickets at different times of the year.
In order to make a home on wheels with its own hands, first of all, we need to choose the basis of a vehicle to create a salon inside it. The main requirements are the possibility of free movement of people to full growth. That's why a good trailer house on the wheels will come from a minibus. The length, height and width of the interior will be approximately 3.6m, 2m, 1.8 m, respectively.

The next step to build a house on the wheels with its hands will be to develop a drawing with a picture of the plan. It should include all the objects of the interior: sanusel, shower, bed, table and other furniture for storage. The location of all these elements shall not violate basic ergonomic requirements, the salon should be divided into logical areas and the entire free approach should be ensured. After that, by building a house on wheels with its own hands, no electrical circuits can be developed.
After planning these technical points, it is possible to consider the image of the internal space, to reflect on the necessary material for sequestration and subsequently to compile a list of all financial costs. Once everything is acquired, it is possible to convert the vehicle into a wheelhouse.
Various unpredictable difficulties may arise in the early stages of work due to lack of experience. In order to avoid problems with engineering solutions in the process of electrical construction, salon warming, shower installation, a large number of specialized literature should be studied in advance. But it is all these difficulties that will make the work particularly interesting for those who have decided to create a home. with your hands Instead of buying an industrial output model.