Mercedes V Class House On Wheels
The famous Russian hip-hop executive Geegun, I and you, used the Mercedes-Benz V-Class car. He became an attractive and convenient means of movement for the entire family of a musician. All four, Geegun, his wife and two little children, were easily separated and comfortable traveling through the resort where the clip was filmed. Minivan's perfect fit into the clip style, thanks to his impressive modern and elegant design of light brand vehicles.
" The films took place in Spain, under Barcelona. On the Clip Scen, Dgun's wife rents a car to travel with the family. V-Class - small home on wheels♪ It is easy and comfortable to travel with children in different cities and countries. After the film, Gigan was seriously thinking about buying V-Class, he told Pavel Khudik, director of the clip.
The new V-Class combines a vast space and excellent functionality with a typical make-up, as well as the comfort and safety of Mercedes-Benz vehicles. All this makes V-Class the perfect car for a big family and an active vacation.
" This car is convenient not only for passengers but also for drivers. Mercedes-Benz is an excellent management, and V-Class is no exception. It's probably the most controlled minivan in the world.