Peterburg Wheels House

The real auto-camping is a family vacation in the wheelhouse. This entertainment is very popular in America and Europe. In Russia, auto-camping is only doing the first steps, so it's considered expensive. However, the desire to travel in a home is getting bigger.

If you don't have a personal camper, there are companies in Petersburg that rent a home on wheels. The rental cost begins from 4,000 per day. You can really live in cartoons - shower, toilet, mini-kid.

Where are you? Motor home parking? The famous is Baltic Parking at the Constantine Palace in Strelna. The territory is fenced and protected 24 hours a day. Here they are. maintenance There's a car wash, there's a barbecue space, you can eat in a cafe and then go on a boat or a bike. In addition, there are sports tools; hunting and fishing are provided for all applicants. We note that the car park is paid from 800 to 1,600 roubles per day; up to 40 trailers are available simultaneously. Unfortunately, this year (2017) will not work.

At the Orgino suburban hotel on the Gulf of Finland, a car park has been built to house on wheels. Magazines, restaurants, swimming pools, sports and children's fields, recreational places, all of which are in the countryside. You can strengthen your health in the Svetlana Sanatorium, which is here. With regard to the cost of house accommodation, about 600 roubles per person; the parking area is located to 60 trailers.

There's a CampTom-Shuwalka near the central park. They come here on campers, cars, motorcycles, bicycles. The Territory ' s characteristics are: construction in Russian style; reconstruction of the traditional village is Honduran workshops, cousins, birdy court, bath, etc. However, there is modern infrastructure: cafes, sports, cyclings, playgrounds for children. The cost of a camper's car park is 1,100 roubles a day; it's up to 120 campers.

Of course, you can and can just lay on nature in tents or wooden domes for two. The price will be lower, but you won't be able to assess the benefits of the home. Wait for good weather, get your friends and get some fresh air!

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